Meet Your Board of Directors
Regular Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 5:30pm on the side patio at the MARC (111 E. 100 N.).
Co-op owners are welcome to join and may address the Board at the beginning of the meeting. Contact the Board any time at
View minutes from previous meetings by clicking on the Meeting Minutes Archive tab.
View minutes from the January 16, 2025 meeting.
Quarterly Board Updates
July 17, 2024
Dearest Esteemed Co-op Owners!
As August approaches, we are looking forward to our Anniversary Celebration and Annual Owner Meeting, and with that comes this cycle of board elections. This year we will have four candidates to fill four board seats, although your vote is still appreciated because we use the number of votes candidates receive as a measurement for how long their term will be (terms range from 2-3 years).
We would like to give a heartfelt thank you to outgoing board members Judy Savarese and Alison Anders.
Meet local and regional vendors, enjoy free samples, and save on all purchases (15% off for owners and 5% off for non-owners) throughout the day during our anniversary celebration.
Then, join us in the MARC Stage Room on Sunday, August 18th at 5pm for refreshments and an update on co-op happenings and the results of this year’s board election. Questions and comments are more than welcome, as always. We are so proud of our strong co-op community, and we’d love to see you there!
Owners eligible to vote should have received an online ballot via email from SurveyMonkey, or a paper ballot in the mail (sent 7/18). If you did not receive an email or paper ballot, please find the voting station in the store and cast your vote there. (Only one vote per member number.)
You can read about each of the candidates here. The deadline to vote is 12pm on August 18th.
Visit for more information about the anniversary celebration and meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!
Your Moonflower Board of Directors
Emily Stock
Kendra Cupps
Jonny Jew
Josie Kovash
Brook Indries
Claire Core
Alison Anders
December 11
November 21
October 14
September 19
July 18
June 13
May 23
April (annual board retreat; no regular meeting)
March 21
February 22
January 18
December 14
November 16
October 26
September 15
August 13 – Annual Owner Meeting Presentation
July 20
June 15
May 18
April (annual board retreat; no regular meeting)
March 16
February 16
January 19
Serve on the Board of Directors!
Members of the Board of Directors provide democratic, representative governance to Moonflower Community Co-op, a member-owned food cooperative. Consider applying to join the Board of Directors today!
The Board plays a vital role in the long-term health and welfare of the cooperative through setting a mission and vision as well as overseeing the General Manager and proactively managing the financial viability of the cooperative.
What is the Board’s role?
The Board of Directors is representative of co-op members/owners and is responsible for the overall well-being of Moonflower Community Cooperative. The Board exercises its authority through its relationship with the General Manager, whom it hires and monitors.
The Board does not involve itself in operational details. They do not make decisions about what the co-op stocks, the specifics of personnel issues, or the day-to-day operations.
The requirements for board service are written in our by-laws, legal documents governing Moonflower’s management. Accordingly, applicants must:
- Be eighteen years of age or older
- Not have any overriding conflict of interest with the cooperative
- Have been a co-op member for at least 6 months prior to the annual meeting
- Be able and willing to commit up to 10 hours per month and serve a 3-year term
- Prepare for and participate in monthly Board meetings, the annual Board workshop, and the co-op annual meeting
- Be available via phone or email between meetings as necessary
- Not have any demonstrated hostility towards the cooperative or any personal agenda contrary to the best interests of the cooperative
The benefits of becoming a Board member are many, but just a few are:
- Helping to support Moonflower in its mission “to provide socially responsible foods, goods and education to promote a healthy, sustainable community”
- Giving back to the community through your service on the Board
- Helping to diversify the Moonflower Board through your unique background and experience
- Receiving a 20% discount on purchases at Moonflower and a reduced markup on special orders
How to apply:
Download the Board Member Application or pick up at copy at the co-op. Fill out and submit to the co-op or to
Moonflower Community Co-op’s (MCC) Board of Directors Policies & Processes describes the co-op’s mission and vision, the responsibilities of the Board, and more.
MCC’s Executive Expectations/Limitations outlines the responsibilities of the General Manager and their relationship to the Board.
MCC’s By-Laws (updated and approved on 8/21/2021 during the 2021 Annual Meeting)