We Support Local & Regional Producers!
Find a list of our current local and regional vendors below.
Read About Our Local Producers
We believe supporting our local and regional vendors builds economic resiliency and encourages deep relationships within our community.
Local products are sourced from within a 100 mile radius of Moab, while regional products are sourced from any of the Four Corners states, including Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.
Moab Grown is an initiative to connect farmers with local chefs and Moab community members.
Check out the Moab Local Food Guide here!
Allicins Ranch (Moyie Springs, ID)
Canyon Nursery (Castle Valley, UT)
Castle Valley Farms (Castle Valley, UT)
Dunham Farms (Green River, UT)
Easy Bee Farm (Spanish Valley, UT)
Manzana Springs Vegetable Farm (Moab, UT)
Moab Homegrown (Moab, UT)
Pack Creek Ranch (Moab, UT)
Paradox Produce (Paradox, CO)
Portal Farms (Moab, UT)
Stoned Fruit Orchard (Palisade, CO)
Youth Garden Project (Moab, UT)
Adobe Milling (Dove Creek, CO)
Alaska Select (Moab, UT)
Altitude Snacks (Steamboat Springs, CO)
Apple Core Project (Norwood, CO)
Augury Beverage Co. (Salt Lake City, UT)
Bar Daddy (Salt Lake City, UT)
Bar-U-Eat (Steamboat Springs, CO)
Bee Grateful Farm (Steamboat Springs, CO)
Beehive Cheese (Uintah, UT)
Bibamba Artisan Chocolate (Denver, CO)
Blissful Soul Cacao (Salt Lake City, UT)
Caffe Ibis Coffee Roasting Company (Logan, UT)
Caputo’s Cheese (Salt Lake City, UT)
Castle Valley Farms (Castle Valley, UT)
The Coconut Cult (Ogden, UT)
Curve Coffee Roasters (Moab, UT)
Dan-Kin Apiary (Loma, CO)
Decadence Gourmet (Grand Junction, CO)
Denver Chip Co. (Lakewood, CO)
Dram (Salida, CO)
Epicurean Honey (Sandy, UT)
Fresh Moab Coffee (Moab, UT)
High Desert Seed and Gardens (Montrose, CO)
Hollow Tree Honey (Draper, UT)
Laziz (Salt Lake City, UT)
Magick Co. (Salt Lake City, UT)
Mesa Coffee Company (Grand Junction, CO)
Moab Coffee Roasters (Moab, UT)
Monsoon Chocolate (Tucson, AZ)
Morning Fresh Dairy (Bellvue, CO)
PopArt Snacks (Salt Lake City, UT)
ProBar (Salt Lake City, UT)
Pueblo Seed & Food Co. (Cortez, CO)
Queen Bee Gardens (Lovell, WY)
Redmond/Real Salt (Redmond, UT)
Rocky Mountain Hot Cocoa (Broomfield, CO)
Ruby Ranch (Green River, UT)
Salsa Queen (West Valley City, UT)
Salt City Baking Co. (Salt Lake City, UT)
SLC Fermenting Co. (Salt Lake City, UT)
Solar Roast Coffee, LLC (Pueblo, CO)
Sundial Medicinals (Moab, UT)
Taos Bakes (Taos, NM)
Taproot Soda (Pleasant Grove, UT)
Walker Family Farm (Monticello, UT)
White Lake Farms (Salt Lake City, UT)
Wild Bloom Fermentations (Moab, UT)
Zia Tortilla Co. (Durango, CO)
Adobe Milling (Dove Creek, CO)
Del Valle Pecans (Mesilla Park, NM)
Belle Tige Organic Skincare (Moab, UT)
Elements Combine (Moab, UT)
Erleia (Denver, CO)
Gypset Nouveau (Moab, UT)
House of Aromatics (Boulder, UT)
Humble Brands (Taos, NM)
Loam (Santa Fe, NM)
Maiden Sol Farm (Moab, UT)
Nat + Noor (Pleasant Grove, UT)
Nature’s Fusions (Provo, UT)
Peak Scents (Flagstaff, AZ)
Rabbit Brush Goods (Santa Fe, NM)
Redmond (Redmond, UT)
Salty Dog Farm (Boulder, UT)
Sister Root Medicinals (Castle Valley, UT)
Sore No More (Moab, UT)
Sundial Medicinals (Moab, UT)
Super Salve Co. (Mogollon, NM)
Theracane (Palmer Lake, CO)
Thomas and Hobbs (Salt Lake City, UT)
True Radiance Tallow (Mancos, CO)
Udder Delight (Glenwood, NM)
Victoria White Eagle (La Sal, UT)
Wandering the West (Flagstaff, AZ)
Wild Raven Soap Company (Moab, UT)
Wild Waters Soapery (Salt Lake City, UT)
Wise Raven Herbs (Castle Valley, UT)
Abster Artz (Moab, UT)
Antonio Savarese (Moab, UT)
Desert Edge Design (Moab, UT)
Gypset Nouveau (Moab, UT)
Katrina Lund (Moab, UT)
Mary Weingarden (Moab, UT)
Samantha Zimmerman (Moab, UT)
Sandy Cornell (Moab, UT)
Serena Supplee (Moab, UT)
Gold Naturals (Provo, UT)
Honey Gardens (Park City, UT)
Hummingbird Herbals (Durango, CO)
Kush Kubes (Draper, UT)
Millcreek Herbs (Salt Lake City, UT)
Muscle MX (Sandy, UT)
Nature’s Fusions (Orem, UT)
Pure Synergy (Moab, UT)
Redmond (Redmond, UT)
Sister Root Medicinals (Castle Valley, UT)
Solaray (Salt Lake City, UT)
Sundial Medicinals (Moab, UT)
Tommy’s Tonics (Moab, UT)
Trace Minerals (Ogden, UT)
Trojan Horse Cannabis (Mesa, AZ)
Wise Raven Herbs (Castle Valley, UT)
Wishgarden Herbs (Louisville, CO)
Zand (Salt Lake City, UT)
Zhou (Salt Lake City, UT)
All About Bulk Teas
Long, chilly nights and cold mornings call for lots of cups of hot tea! Check out our incredible bulk tea section, which has over 60 loose leaf teas and herbal blends (right next to our bulk herbs and spices [...]
10 Year Anniversary Recap
Moonflower Community Co-op would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all who participated in our extra special 10 year anniversary celebration this year! Moonflower has been a pillar of Moab since its inception as Lifestream Natural Foods, started [...]
Join us for The Phase of the Moon
Join us at Moonflower Community Co-op on Saturday, August 13th, for our anniversary celebration, sale, and annual owner meeting! Help us celebrate nine years as a Moab’s member-owned food cooperative! To celebrate, we are offering owners 15% off all [...]
Local Grower Spotlight: Easy Bee Farm
By Maggie Keating, Marketing and Community Outreach Coordinator Dara (flowering carrot) This year, dara, or flowering carrot, is Easy [...]