5% Day for Resiliency Hub
Join us on Tuesday, December 13th to support the Resiliency Hub! Every second Tuesday of the month, Moonflower Co-op donates 5% of the day’s proceeds to an organization doing important work in our community. [...]
Join us on Tuesday, December 13th to support the Resiliency Hub! Every second Tuesday of the month, Moonflower Co-op donates 5% of the day’s proceeds to an organization doing important work in our community. [...]
Join us on Tuesday, January 10th in supporting Community Rebuilds! Community Rebuilds is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is to build energy efficient housing, provide education on sustainability, and improve the housing conditions of the [...]
This year’s first Round Up at the Register campaign will be held from February 1st-14th and will benefit the Youth Garden Project! For a two-week period, once a quarter, we offer the opportunity for owners [...]
Join us on Tuesday, January 14th to support the Full Circle Intertribal Center! The FCIC’s mission is “to nourish healing through our Native American traditions and cultures.” Our vision at FCIC is to support, lead, [...]
Moab Solutions 2017 Earth Day cleanup Join us on Tuesday, March 14th to support Moab Solutions! Moab Solutions is dedicated to nurturing the well-being of the natural world and reducing the waste of [...]
Join us on Tuesday, April 11th to support Mindfulness in Education! Our mission is “is to strengthen youth’s learning capacity, mental wellbeing, empathy, and ability to thrive and contribute by teaching yoga and mindfulness skills to students.” We [...]
This quarter’s Round Up at the Register campaign will be held from May 1st-14th and will benefit Arches Education Center! For a two-week period, once a quarter, we offer the opportunity for owners and customers [...]
Join us on Tuesday, May 9th to support Rim to Rim Restoration! Rim to Rim Restoration is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on restoring native riparian ecosystems and building community relationships connecting land managers, researchers, [...]
Join us on Tuesday, June 13th to support the Grand County Food Bank! The Grand County Food Bank assists those in need to become self-sufficient or to avoid greater levels of dependency through innovative, comprehensive [...]
Join us on Tuesday, July 11th to support the Boulder Outdoor Survival School (BOSS)! The Boulder Outdoor Survival School (BOSS) is a non-profit outdoor survival school in Boulder, Utah dedicated to the instruction and preservation of [...]
Check back often, as we regularly add new events to our calendar! Interested in teaching a class? Do you want to learn about a particular topic or skill? Submit class ideas and suggestions to [email protected].