Virtual Cooking Class: Lasagna with Jon O.

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Join us for an online cooking class with local cook guru Jon O from the comfort of your own home! He will take us to Italy with a classic vegetarian lasagna. Learn the basics of tomato sauce making, lasagna filling, and preparation.

This class will be produced in collaboration with the Moab Arts and Recreation Center. The class will be filmed and streamed live on Zoom. Visit to join the class at 6:30pm MST on Thursday, April 8th. This link should open the Zoom meeting when you type it in to your browser. If it doesn’t work, please try the following:

Meeting ID: 928 1557 5165
Passcode: 7tkUX5
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Meeting ID: 928 1557 5165
Passcode: 578513
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If you are having technical difficulties, give us a call at 435-259-5712. If you are unable to attend, the class will be recorded and posted on our website next week.

Free and open to the public. No RSVP required.

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Check back often, as we regularly add new events to our calendar! Interested in teaching a class? Do you want to learn about a particular topic or skill? Submit class ideas and suggestions to [email protected].

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