The Phase of the Moon: Moonflower Co-op’s Nine Year Anniversary & Annual Owner Meeting

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Join us at Moonflower Community Co-op on Saturday, August 13th, for our anniversary celebration, sale, and annual owner meeting! Help us celebrate nine years as a Moab’s member-owned food cooperative!

Owners will receive 15% OFF all purchases* ALL DAY, and all other customers will receive 5% off!

From 11am – 4pm, meet and greet local and growers and vendors, snag some free samples, and listen to live music.

At 5pm, co-op owners are invited to join us on the MARC patio for our Annual Owner Meeting. Hear annual updates from the General Manager and Board of Directors on co-op business and community contributions. They will also announce the newly elected board directors.

Food and drinks will be provided by our own Datura Deli. There will also be a random drawing for a gift basket and gift cards!

*Discount cannot be combined with any other owner discounts (owner sales, special orders, etc.). Synergy products will not receive further discounts for owners.

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