The Invitation to Connect: Yoga, Trauma, & Discovery Workshop Series

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Our free weekly yoga workshop series taught by Trista Winder and Angela Houghton continues this month at the MARC! Come dressed for yoga and don’t forget your journal. These workshops will focus on discovering the power of your own voice and intuition through the healing power of ritual. Step into a yoga practice that remembers the goddess Saraswati, the flowing one. Explore the healing power of community and creativity through lecture, yoga, journaling, meditation, and mantra.

Each month of this series (September-December) will center on a different theme linked to a different Hindu god or goddess, beginning with a lecture the first week, taught by Trista, followed by three weeks of yoga classes integrating what you learn in the lecture, taught by Angela. Each class will build on something from the last, but also be accessible for people just dropping in.

Classes will be held at the MARC** (111 E 100 N), Mondays from 5:30-7pm. Free and open to all. The first Monday lectures of each month’s series will also be offered on Zoom. Please email tristawinder[at] for the Zoom link.

Trista and Angela invite you to your practice: We’ll use the body as a tool to explore and connect to your inner world. You are welcome if you’ve never practiced before. You are welcome if you have been practicing for years. This offering is an opportunity to play with yoga in a heart-centered practice where we will guide you through moving your body, connecting to your breath, and being still with intention.

On this journey, we’ll use yogic philosophy and stories alongside movement and meditation. The stories can invite humor and curiosity as we explore the modern human experience with grace. Within this spiritual container, we’ll explore trauma and the undigested hurts. The invitation is in how we create a personal practice that speaks to the needs of our soul. Recovery, yoga, connection: This is a practice that invites the practitioner to wholeness, one breath at a time.

Workshop Schedule:

October 9th (lecture), 16th, 23rd, 30th:
Yoga, Trauma, & Discovery: Step Into the Flow of Your Heart (Saraswati)
**October 9th & 16th: MARC Dance Room
**October 23rd: MARC Stage Room
**October 30th class: MARC patio (outside; please dress for the weather)

Please check this page for updated monthly themes and any other location changes.

About the Instructors:

Trista Winder, LMT; E-RYT 500; Trauma Informed Life Coach
Trista has been teaching yoga for fourteen years, discovering her passion for yoga early on as a teenager in high school. She fell in love with the detail of body mechanics, postural health, and the heart centered philosophy. Trista is also a deep tissue massage therapist and her experience working with students and clients in a healing realm led her to study developmental and complex trauma. Passionate about recovery and healing, she is currently enrolled in a Master’s program for Marriage and Family Therapy, and hopes to help people connect with their deepest capacity for living and healing. Learn more at her website at

Angela Houghton
Angela began practicing yoga in earnest in the early 2000s. She took an immersion with Sianna Sherman in 2005 and completed a 200-hour certification with Amy Ippoliti in 2007. In 2006, she completed a 40-hour Yoga Therapeutics Training. More recently, her primary yoga teachers are Jeanie Manchester, Noah Maze, and Adam Ballenger.

Angela gravitates towards an alignment-based practice with plenty of room for philosophy and play. She enjoys connecting spirituality to the modern human experience. Angela invites curiosity and humility into her practice to continue to grow as a student and teacher. Visit her website at

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