Summer Stock Up Sale

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Stock up and save when you shop at Moonflower Co-op during our Summer Stock Up Sale! Owners save 15% on all purchases* and all other customers receive 5% off everything in the store, any time between 8am and 8pm on June 29th! Not an owner? Join the co-op today!

*The fine print:

  • Pure Synergy products will remain at the same year-round discount for owners.
  • Discount cannot be combined with any other owner discount, including special orders, monthly owner sales, or the quarterly 10% discount (which is good until the end of June, so be sure to use it before the 29th or on the 30th, but be aware that we are closing early on June 30th for store inventory).
  • It CAN be combined with our orange discount stickers (25%, 50% off, etc.).
  • Discount applies to all purchases made on June 29th for owners current on their dues (e.g. if you need to make multiple trips or if you share an owner number with a family member or spouse).

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