Spring Cleaning with Bitters Tonic

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Join Herbalist Sheila Manzagol of Shinning Mountain Herbs for an informative lecture on the benefits of bitters.
Spring is a time for renewal and when we start cleaning out the old to make way for the new. We have historically eaten bitter spring greens to stimulate our digestive function that has gotten sluggish over winter. Now that we have so many choices we typically prefer the tastes of sweet and salty, and avoid bitter foods.
This class will discuss the role of bitter herbs for improved digestive function and optimal health. We will review the three categories of bitter herbs: heating, carminative and bitter and will learn how to formulate a bitters tonic. Students will make their own tonic to take home.

This is a free class sponsored by Moonflower Cooperative Market.

To attend put your name down on the sign up sheet!
Limited to 10 participants

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