Round Up at the Register for the Full Circle Intertribal Center

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From July 1st through 14th, Moonflower Community Cooperative will be hosting our quarterly Round Up at the Register fundraiser for the Full Circle Intertribal Center. This newly formed non-profit offers Native American/Indigenous culturally specific programming, focusing on nourishing healing and wellness through tradition and culture. Some of the programming includes: traditional food-ways, life-ways, traditional services and approaches to protection and healing for Indigenous women, men, and youth; language classes and parenting classes incorporating traditional teachings; Native American/Indigenous advocacy; kinship, restoring cycles of matriarchy through traditional birthing, and cultural services.

When you shop at Moonflower, you will have the option of rounding up your purchase total to the nearest whole dollar amount, and your change will go directly to the FCIC. Please join us in supporting our Native American/Indigenous community!

For more information about FCIC, please visit their Facebook page and Instagram.

For more information about Moonflower’s Round Up at the Register program and to apply to be a partner, click here.

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