Round Up at the Register for Moab Charter School

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This quarter’s Round Up at the Register campaign will be held from November 1-14th and will benefit Moab Charter School! For a two-week period, approximately once a quarter, we offer the opportunity for owners and customers to “round up” their purchases to the next whole dollar to raise funds for a local non-profit’s project or special purchase.

Moab Charter School is a free, public K-6 charter school with small class sizes and an added focus on arts and music. It was established in 2004 by a group of active parents from Moab and Castle Valley interested in providing an alternative to local schools in a small school, small class size setting. Moab Charter School’s mission is to support and challenge each child to develop critical thinking, self-direction, and their full academic and creative potential.

MCS uses the Utah State Office of Education common core state standards as guidelines for curriculum and instruction and is dedicated to providing individualized education through small, differentiated classes. Music and art are important foundational aspects of our whole school curriculum. All students receive weekly lessons in music, art, physical education, health, and technology. Teachers are also empowered to design innovative curricula and use creative instruction approaches.

If you choose to donate, 100% of your change will go directly to MCS; Moonflower does not take any cut. We simply facilitate the donations.

If your organization is interested in participating in Round Up at the Register, please apply here or ask for an application at our office.

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Check back often, as we regularly add new events to our calendar! Interested in teaching a class? Do you want to learn about a particular topic or skill? Submit class ideas and suggestions to [email protected].

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