Round Up at the Register for Hearthspace Moab

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This quarter’s Round Up at the Register campaign will be held from February 1-14th and will benefit Hearthspace Moab! For a two-week period, once a quarter, we offer the opportunity for owners and customers to “round up” their purchases to the next whole dollar to raise funds for a local non-profit’s project or special purchase.

Hearthspace’s mission is to help people realize that you and I aren’t separate, and we aren’t separate from this land. We help people embody their deepest, truest Self and realize Oneness.

Hearthspace provides free, sliding scale, & donation based holistic wellness offerings (including community acupuncture, yoga, healing workshops, & ecstatic dance, etc.), educational events (e.g. immunity workshops, emotional intelligence “EQ” training, etc.), & community arts events (e.g. Miki Sawada Tiny Piano Concert, Thanksgiving Talent Showcase, Community Co-creative Arts workshops, a weekly freestyle arts jam, etc.).

Hearthspace’s Moab Kitchen food truck serves 100% whole plant based, seed-to-table, organic food by donation, supported by our own Hearthspace Community Gardens.

Funding will be used to support our community programming (especially vertical gardening efforts), marketing & outreach, and general operating costs.

If you choose to donate, 100% of your change will go directly to Hearthspace. Moonflower does not take any cut; we simply facilitate the donations.

If your organization is interested in participating in Round Up at the Register, please apply here or ask for an application at our office.

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Check back often, as we regularly add new events to our calendar! Interested in teaching a class? Do you want to learn about a particular topic or skill? Submit class ideas and suggestions to [email protected].

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