Kefir 101 with Cora Phillips

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Live long and prosper with kefir! Learn how to make your own kefir at home and begin reaping the benefits of this probiotic-rich beverage in this free community class.

What is kefir? Kefir is a fermented beverage made from “grains” that are not plant-based, but made of yeast and bacteria. These probiotic cultures are believed to have a wealth of health benefits, particularly to the digestive system and even to the skin!

Cora will show the basics of kefir, share some recipes, and send you home with live cultures to get you started. While living in Montrose, Colorado, Cora connected with a local dairy farm and learned how to make kefir. She has been working with the same kefir grains ever since taking a class at the farm three years ago.

Class itinerary:

  1. Basic kefir how-to; distribute kefir grains to participants
  2. Make smoothies
  3. Discuss history & benefits of kefir
  4. Other uses: ice cream, dips, soups, etc.
  5. Sample kefir products
  6. Taking a break & storing kefir
  7. What to do with extra kefir grains
  8. Making cheese, butter, and face creams
  9. Sample face cream
  10. Distribute filters, rubber bands, and cheesecloth for home use

Class size is limited to 12 participants on a first-come, first-served basis, so sign up early in the store or at

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