June ArtWalk with Andy Savarese

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The June Moab ArtWalk will be Saturday, June 11th from 5-8pm. Stop by the Datura Deli to check out the current art show on display. Our featured local artist, Andy Savarese, will be present during the ArtWalk to chat with about his work. Light refreshments will be provided.

About Andy:

I’ve been painting Southern Utah since arriving on the Navajo Reservation to work at Monument Valley Hospital in the winter of ’94. While there I made many friends among the Navajo who would invite me along on expeditions to very remote and seldom seen areas. This fed my love and appreciation for Southeastern Utah, its people, and its unspoiled beauty. After the Hospital in Monument Valley closed I lived in Bluff for half a decade before moving to Moab.

I’ve read and studied the writings of John Carlson, Harold Speed, Virgil Elliott and many, many, other oil painting authorities and teachers. Though I’ve studied the principles and techniques, which oil painters should study, understand, and employ so as to ever hope to create a thing worthy of your attention, mastery continues to elude me. Somehow in the process of putting paint to canvas I inevitably forget all the tenets of composition, color theory, principles of visual reality, techniques of the Old Masters and on and on. It seems I am innately programmed by some quirk of genetic happenstance to stubbornly revert to what it is I do and you witness here.

My artistic idols are John Singer Sargent, Andres Zorn, Josh Elliott, Glenn Dean, Antonio Savarese, and others whom I would not even dare to mention in a bio about myself. My inspiration is everything I see and experience and have seen and experienced for more than half a century. Further inspiration is drawn from my wife and 3 artist children, from whom I continue to learn, and who endure endless volumes of linseed oil, the noxious smell of turpentine, and the use of our dining room table for various framing and other artistic misadventures.

Come see what you think and meet Andy at the May ArtWalk!

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