Jin Shin Jyutsu Class w/ Mary Beth Fitzburgh LMT

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Jin Shin Jyutsu translates as “The Art of the Creator expressed through persons of knowing and compassion.” It harmonizes body, mind, and spirit by utilizing the life energy that endows each of us. Through the simple and gentle application of the hands and fingertips along energy points of the body, it helps to harmonize the flow of universal energy, fostering healing on many levels. An innate Art of Living, it helps us awaken to the awareness of harmony within the self and the universe.

This class offers an introduction to this dynamic art, teaching basic principals and practical hands-on techniques to restore balance for everyday living. Discover this powerful tool to help yourself achieve greater health and well-being.

“My destiny is in my own hands.” Mary Burmeister – Founder of Jin Shin Jyutsu Inc.

Mary Beth Fitzburgh is an LMT with Body Wisdom: Bring Spirit into Body.

Like all Moonflower classes this class is free and open to the public. But space is limited so you MUST come in and sign up in the store!

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