Introduction to Holistic Nutrition: Inflammation

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Do you feel exhausted, down in the dumps, irritable, experience painful swelling or redness, chronic allergies, or migraines? It could be inflammation.
Nations of people walk around every day on fire from the inside out thanks to inflammation. This class will introduce the the perpetrators of terrifying constitution and ubiquitous presence that turn the warmth of digestion and circulation into raging wildfires, and the heroes that tame the scalding heat by pushing out toxic burdens from the body.
This class will be taught by Faye Mays and Viska Arbogast. Faye is a Certified Master of Holistic Psychology from the American Institute of Holistic Health & Healing. They will teach what causes inflammation, what helps to support the body experiencing inflammation, and how you can integrate changes in your diet and lifestyle to fight inflammation. They will also share recipes, resources, and samples of anti-inflammatory foods.
Start the new year by learning how you can fight with the heroes to restore optimal health!
**At the request of the instructors, we ask that attendees of this class arrive as fragrance-free as possible. Thank you for your cooperation!**
About Faye and Viska:
Viska first became aware of the impact of food on health in 2009, when his girlfriend suffered from fructose malabsorption due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.  Observing the presence of toxicants in everyday products and food also guided Viska to embrace whole foods and release toxicants from personal use. His love of ancient spices and foods drove him to learn Asiatic cuisine and the healing properties of herbs and spices. He noticed his own health improve and wants to share what he has learned with others. His experience as an all-ages tutor in Japanese, computer programming, and mathematics gives him a broad and precise set of instructional skills.
Faye took a college course entitled Biology and the Citizen in 2005 that brought inflammation and toxicants to her attention. The reality of the consequences of such factors sank in more deeply during her first pregnancy, wherein she experienced more expressed symptoms and increased sensitivity to inflammatory agents.
Faye spent time researching, producing nourishing herbal infusions, and practicing food as medicine to combat her symptoms and disease which, as she discovered, related to chemical injury. Choosing to study the Ayurvedic traditions, eventually she established contact with a Brahman living in India who provided great knowledge and wisdom about the healing properties of herbs, spices, and human physiology.
Faye first worked as a teacher at the age of eight, leading groups of kindergartners for her mother, a teacher. Since then, Faye has been a guest instructor for art, music, and English, a college level teaching assistant, and mother. She spends a great deal of her personal time researching and educating others on various health-related subjects because she believes everyone deserves to feel better.

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