Essential Oils Basics Class

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Join artisan essential oil distiller Eric Scott Bresselsmith of Boulder, Utah-based company House of Aromatics for an experience of aromatic wonder and mystery. Eric will talk about indications and practical applications of essential oils as well the connection of essential oils to alchemy, chemistry, and the innate spirit/intelligence of the plants nature available through essential oil use. Other topics Eric will cover include:

  • The importance of essential oils produced from regional plants and trees for “community immunity.” Essential oils will be passed around for imbibing the aromatics.
  • “Neat” use (do’s and don’ts), dilution, and diffusion.
  • The difference between therapeutic, cosmetic, and industrial grade essential oils and the importance of knowing the difference and why.
  • The difference between essential oils, hydrosols, oil infusions, teas, and tinctures.
  • The fundamentals of the distillation process.

Eric will also be at Moonflower from 12-4pm doing a floor demo with his essential oils and other House of Aromatics products. Stop by and say hi!

House of Aromatics is a small artisan essential oil distillery located in the high desert mountains of southern Utah and operated as a one-man business by Eric Scott Bresselsmith. The primary products are steam-distilled essential oils of conifers and brushes that grow right here where we live: among them pines, firs, junipers, spruce, snakeweed, sage, and rabbitbrush. Eric began self studying herbalism in 1989, was an organic farmer through the 90s, and has been distilling small batches of wild crafted essential oils since 2008.

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