5% Day for Seekhaven

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Seekhaven staff

Join us on Tuesday, January 14th in supporting Seekhaven Family Crisis & Resource Center!

Established in 1990, Seekhaven assists survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in rebuilding their lives. Serving Grand County and Southeastern Utah, Seekhaven provides a wide range of essential services including protective orders, contract counseling, transition assistance, financial aid, medical and legal advocacy, and emergency shelter. Seekhaven also has a vigorous prevention education program, providing tools to local youth and families to discuss consent and make healthy, proud choices. All Seekhaven services are free and confidential, meaning clients have the power to control their personal information.

Starting in 2020, Seekhaven will also collaborate with local businesses and organizations to assist in developing comprehensive sexual harassment policies. Seekhaven believes that everyone has the right to feel safe, secure, and supported.

If you feel that you are in danger, do not hesitate to call Seekhaven on their 24 hour helpline: 435-259-2229.

Every second Tuesday of the month, Moonflower Co-op donates 5% of the day’s proceeds to an organization doing important work in our community. If you are interested in signing your organization up for a 5% Day, please fill out this form.

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