5% Day for Moab Valley Multicultural Center

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Join us all day Tuesday, August 13th in supporting the Moab Valley Multicultural Center for this months 5% Day for the Community.

The Moab Valley Multicultural Center (MVMC)’s mission is to build bridges across language and culture through family support, community collaboration, and education.

MVMC serves the community in 5 program areas:

  1. Crisis Resource and Advocacy
  2. Interpretation and Translation
  3. Language and Life Skills
  4. Cultural Education and Outreach
  5. Youth Education and Outreach

In 2018, MVMC served over 2,555 people with more than 3,374 direct service hours.

MVMC is a walk-in center that welcomes anyone and everyone.

Every second Tuesday of the Month, Moonflower donates 5% of the day’s sales to a local organization that furthers our mission of providing socially responsible foods, goods and education in promotion of a healthy, sustainable community. To be considered, organizations must be an established local non-profit and/or provide a community service, and be willing to promote the donation day.

If you are interested in applying for a 5% Day, please fill out this form.

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