5% Day for Mindfulness in Education

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Join us on Tuesday, December 10th to support Mindfulness in Education!

Our mission is “is to strengthen youth’s learning capacity, mental wellbeing, empathy, and ability to thrive and contribute by teaching yoga and mindfulness skills to students.” We offer yoga and mindfulness classes at both the high school and the elementary school. Our focus in the community is to help our students learn how to better cope with stress and anxiety and to hopefully teach them skills that they can carry with them throughout their lives. These funds will only be used to compensate our instructors.

All administration comes from volunteers. We are a small non-profit and any funding we receive goes directly to the teachers who are dedicated and impassioned about teaching these important skills. We are currently working on a simple website that is being done by a volunteer.

We are also working with school administrators as we would like to be able to expand our offerings to the middle school in the future. Currently we are working at keeping our current programs funded for the coming school year.

Studies have shown us the importance of good mental health. We have the students submit evaluations at the end of each trimester. It is apparent from these evaluations how much they are taking away from these classes. We will continue working to keep going to further benefit as many students as we can!

Every second Tuesday of the month, Moonflower Co-op donates 5% of the day’s proceeds to an organization doing important work in our community. If you are interested in signing your organization up for a 5% Day, please fill out this form.

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Check back often, as we regularly add new events to our calendar! Interested in teaching a class? Do you want to learn about a particular topic or skill? Submit class ideas and suggestions to [email protected].

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