5% Day for Hearthspace Moab

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Join us on Tuesday, November 8, in supporting Hearthspace Moab!

We are a nonprofit based in Moab, Utah. We help people embody their deepest, truest Self and realize Oneness. We do this by providing free “by donation” wellness, educational, and community arts opportunities. Hearthspace’s Moab Kitchen food truck serves 100% whole plant based, seed-to-table, organic food by donation, supported by our own community gardens.

Funding will be used to support our community programming, marketing and outreach, and general operating costs.

Every second Tuesday of the month, Moonflower Co-op donates 5% of the day’s proceeds to an organization doing important work in our community.

If you are interested in signing your organization up for a 5% Day, please fill out this form.

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Check back often, as we regularly add new events to our calendar! Interested in teaching a class? Do you want to learn about a particular topic or skill? Submit class ideas and suggestions to [email protected].

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