5% Day for Community Rebuilds

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Join us all day Tuesday, July 9th in supporting Community Rebuilds for our 5% Day for the Community.

Community Rebuilds is a non-profit that was established in Moab in 2010. Their mission is to build energy efficient housing, provide education on sustainability, and improve the housing conditions of the workforce through an affordable program.

As a licensed general contractor in Utah and Colorado, Community Rebuilds constructs affordable and energy efficient straw bale homes, working with and training a dedicated group of student intern volunteers on each home project. These students are young emerging professionals with the desire to participate in an experiential program as they learn how to build low carbon, modern natural buildings.

Every second Tuesday of the Month, Moonflower donates 5% of the day’s sales to a local organization that furthers our mission of providing socially responsible foods, goods and education in promotion of a healthy, sustainable community. To be considered, organizations must be an established local non-profit and/or provide a community service, and be willing to promote the donation day.

If you are interested in applying for a 5% Day, please fill out this form.

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