5% Day for Canyonlands Care Center

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Join us Tuesday, July 14th in supporting the Canyonlands Care Center!

Canyonlands Care Center is a long term care facility located in the heart of Moab. CCC provides a home where residents are safe, healthy, and happy, and cares for individuals who can no longer care for themselves. Their staff is dedicated to providing excellent nursing services, nutritious meals, and activities that engage the residents in a meaningful way.

Canyonlands Care Center has established a Memorial Garden to nurture fond memories of those special individuals who have touched our lives. Each resident who has passed on is honored with a personalized brick in the Memorial Garden. Our 5% Day will help fund the continued expansion of the Memorial Garden, ensuring all of our extraordinary residents are forever remembered.

Every second Tuesday of the month, Moonflower Co-op donates 5% of the day’s proceeds to an organization doing important work in our community. Request a 5% Day for your organization by signing up here.

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