If you are a current member/owner of the Moonflower Community Cooperative and you need to make a change to your account, please fill out the appropriate form below.

To protect your ownership from unauthorized changes, the primary owner must authorize any changes submitted before we will make any changes to your ownership.

When we receive an account change submission, we will contact you to confirm your authorization of the changes.

Update Owner Account Information

Use this form to update any changes to the contact info or names on your owner account.

Donate Your Annual Patronage

Moonflower provides the option of donating your annual patronage dividend back to the co-op to be re-invested in our mission and ends. If you would like to donate all or a portion of your dividend, please fill out the form below.

Refund Your Membership/Share

Your co-op membership, a share of the cooperative, is refundable upon request and at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Request a refund of your share by filling out the form below.

View Owner Guide

View our co-op owner guide.