Events for March 5, 2022 - November 14, 2021

Supplement Saturday: November 2021

Get prepared for the colder weather and holiday season by keeping your body healthy and immune system strong! Stock up on allergy meds, vitamins, minerals, and immune supporting supplements! We are offering 10% off all [...]

5% Day for Youth Garden Project

Join us on Tuesday, November 9 in supporting the Youth Garden Project! The Youth Garden Project cultivates healthy children, families, and community through educational programs and connecting people with food from seed to table. Through [...]

Supplement Saturday Special: December 2021

Supplement Saturdays are a monthly discount for co-op owners on all supplements to encourage shoppers to stock up on dietary supplements when possible and save. For December 2021’s Supplement Saturday, we are offering the sale [...]

5% Day for Resiliency Hub

Join us on Tuesday, December 14th to support the Resiliency Hub! Moab’s Resiliency Hub has the mission, “To steward dynamic public learning hubs to inspire community resilience initiatives in Moab.” Our current programs include: Holistic [...]

2021 Year End Customer Appreciation Sale

Thank you to all of our owners and patrons who continue to support Utah’s first community-owned food cooperative! Shop the co-op anytime on December 30th and receive a customer appreciation discount. Owners receive 15% off [...]

Supplement Saturday: January 2022

Start the new year off right and keep your body healthy and immune system strong! All supplements are 10% off on the first Saturday of every month for co-op owners. (This month we will have [...]

5% Day for John Wesley Powell River History Museum

Every second Tuesday of the month, Moonflower Co-op donates 5% of the day’s proceeds to an organization doing important work in our community. Join us on Tuesday, January 11th to support the John Wesley Powell [...]

Round Up at the Register for Hearthspace Moab

This quarter’s Round Up at the Register campaign will be held from February 1-14th and will benefit Hearthspace Moab! For a two-week period, once a quarter, we offer the opportunity for owners and customers to [...]

Supplement Saturday: February 2022

Stay healthy this winter and keep your body healthy and immune system strong! All supplements are 10% off on the first Saturday of every month for co-op owners. We appreciate you for choosing to shop [...]

5% Day for Moab Solutions

Every second Tuesday of the month, Moonflower Co-op donates 5% of the day’s proceeds to an organization doing important work in our community. Join us on Tuesday, February 8th to support Moab Solutions! Moab Solutions [...]

Check back often, as we regularly add new events to our calendar! Interested in teaching a class? Do you want to learn about a particular topic or skill? Submit class ideas and suggestions to

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