Membership Appreciation Day 10% Off

Friday Nov. 1st is Moonflower Community Cooperative's first ever Membership Appreciation Day! All co-op members will receive 10% of their purchases. We welcome new members so come in and join the co-op to support your [...]

Beet Kvass Fermentation Class w/ Kira Brown

My name Kira J Brown. I've been practicing massage for 18 years, specializing in neuromuscular for the relief of chronic pain. I ave learned over the years how significant nutrition is in healing and maintaing [...]

Art Walk: Moab Charter School

Come check out Moonflower Community Cooperative's November Art Walk with art work from the students of the Moab Charter School! Artist Statement: Children from the Moab Charter School will be displaying artwork inspired by Alexander [...]

5% Day: Canyonlands Community Recycling

5% of every dollar you spend at Moonflower on Tuesday, Nov. 19th will be donated to the Canyonlands Community Recycling. Canyonlands Community Recycling's (CCR) mission is to enhance sustainability by empowering the Moab community to [...]

Jin Shin Jyutsu Class w/ Mary Beth Fitzburgh LMT

Jin Shin Jyutsu translates as “The Art of the Creator expressed through persons of knowing and compassion.” It harmonizes body, mind, and spirit by utilizing the life energy that endows each of us. Through the [...]

Holiday Thank You! Party 10% for Co-op Members 6-8pm

Thank You to Our Members! 10% Off for Co-op Members from 6-8pm Moonflower Community Cooperative will be hosting our annual Open House from 6-8pm, after the electric light parade. We are proud to be community [...]

Moonflower Art Walk: North Frank

Official Art Walks may be over but Moonflower is keeping the event going all year! Come to the last Art Walk of the year, where you only have to walk to one location! Snacks and [...]

Check back often, as we regularly add new events to our calendar! Interested in teaching a class? Do you want to learn about a particular topic or skill? Submit class ideas and suggestions to

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