5% for Search & Rescue

The Grand County Search and Rescue team has evolved over the years from an informal jeep posse under the wing of an authentic western sheriff to a well-trained crew of volunteers known for their professionalism. [...]

Essential Oils for Winter Wellness

Join artisan essential oil distiller Eric Scott Bresselsmith from the House of Aromatics to smell, apply and appreciate the community of immunity within our backyard. Eric will talk about indications and practical applications of essential [...]

Herbal First Aid

Join herbalist Jen Goff of Wise Raven Herbs for a class on herbal first aid. Learn natural-based alternatives to many over-the-counter remedies for common ailments. Wise Raven Herbs is based out of nearby Castle, Valley, [...]


5% for Grand County Food Bank

The Grand County Food Bank feeds hundreds of families in need. 5% of store sales on Monday, December 22, 2014, will help feed those families and individuals in need of basic food and supplies this [...]

Your Astrological Chart

A fun, customized class to help you find out the best (and worst) time for making big decisions in 2015.  Taught by passionate astrologist Victoria Fugit. Come learn the basics of houses, signs and planets, along with [...]


Wholesome Sweets

Indulging your sweet tooth every now and then doesn't have to negatively affect your health.  Learn how to make delicious goodies without the use of dairy, refined sugar, grans, or starches.  Processed foods can compromise [...]

5% Day for the Lower Utah Nordic Alliance (LUNA)

Help keep Geyser Pass accessible for winter recreation! LUNA is a group of volunteers that groom nordic trails from the Geyser Pass winter trailhead during the winter months.  LUNA has received funding in the past [...]

Check back often, as we regularly add new events to our calendar! Interested in teaching a class? Do you want to learn about a particular topic or skill? Submit class ideas and suggestions to outreach@moonflower.coop.

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