red raspberry leaf

This July, we’re featuring red raspberry leaf as our bulk herb of the month! The leaves of the raspberry plant (Rubus idaeus) have been used for centuries to support a number of health concerns, especially women’s reproductive health. This nutrient-rich herb contains tannins, alkaloids, and antioxidants that help tone tissues, especially uterine tissues, and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and iron help support moms during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

raspberry leaf

Men, don’t write off red raspberry leaf: It acts as a reproductive tonic for you, too! And the B vitamins support energy (ATP) production, iron builds the blood, and manganese supports the production of cartilage and connective tissues.

Despite its name, red raspberry leaves don’t taste like raspberry at all. They make a delicious tea that tastes similar to a fruity, black tea, like Earl Grey (but without the caffeine). They’re sweeter and bolder than leaves used in other teas, and make an excellent addition to herbal infusion blends.

You can find dried raspberry leaves in our bulk herbs department. To make raspberry leaf tea, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaf. Close the teapot and allow to stand for 10 minutes, then sweeten to taste.


Check out this quick video of how to make a refreshing raspberry leaf rosemary orange iced tea: