Round Up at the Register for the Moab Valley Multicultural Center

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From August 1st-14th, we will be hosting a Round Up at the Register campaign to benefit the Moab Valley Multicultural Center!

The Moab Valley Multicultural Center’s mission is to build bridges across language and culture through family support, community collaboration and education. MVMC advocates, educates, and collaborates with our community to remove cultural, language, or economic barriers with particular emphasis on immigrant, minority, indigenous, and vulnerable populations of all ages in Moab and surrounding rural areas.

MVMC accomplishes its mission in 5 ways:

  • Crisis Resource & Advocacy
  • Youth Education & Outreach
  • Interpretation/Translation
  • Language & Life Skills Support
  • Cultural Education & Outreach

From March – June of this year, MVMC provided advocacy, resources, rental assistance, and monetary support to 68 families who were impacted by COVID-19. In May alone, they distributed 3,421 meals to 523 people and were able to gift an Easter basket to each of their Amiguitos club mentees.

When you shop at Moonflower during these two weeks, you will have the opportunity to “round up” your purchases to the next whole dollar. 100% of your change will go directly to this non-profit!

If your organization is interested in participating in Round Up at the Register, please apply here or ask for an application at our office.

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